Cats and milk seem like a natural combination. An old picture of a delicious cat saucer or farm kittens enjoying fresh milk from a cow seen in books and art for decades, and probably seen at home and on the farm. But this beautiful picture does not tell the whole story.
As mammals, we all share in beginning to drink mother’s milk. After weaning from breast milk to a solid diet, many mammals stop drinking milk, and many may experience stomach upset after eating dairy products.
Lactose Effects in Cats
Milk contains carbohydrate lactose, which is a disaccharide sugar made from galactose and glucose and is found in all types of milk, in different forms in each type, says Sara Witherell, a veterinarian-board veterinarian at Animal Kind Veterinary Hospital in Brooklyn. , New York. Kittens, like other mammals, have the innate ability to break down lactose because their bodies produce the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose into a single sugar, thus helping them to digest lactose.
To some extent, all living things lose the ability to break down lactose as they grow older, Witherell says, adding that when kittens are weaned, at about four to six weeks of age, their ability to break down lactose is reduced.
During weaning six months of age, they lost their ability to produce enzyme lactase and break down lactose, he says. When the body produces less lactase, it has less energy to digest lactose, and this is when you start to show signs of lactose intolerance. Also, once the body stops producing lactase, it never starts again.
When a cat intolerant consumes milk, unprocessed lactose absorbs excess water in the gut and bacteria digest uncut sugar, says Ann Hill, a boarded veterinarian on board at Canfield Vet, Dog and Cat Hospital in Pittsford, New York. The result is stomach upset, gas, cramping, bloating and diarrhea — usually within eight to 12 hours of drinking a dairy product.
This is different from cat food for food or allergies. With allergies, the body sees the object as an invasive and immune system attack. Symptoms usually appear on the skin such as pimples and itching. The reaction increases each time the body is exposed to the allergen. Symptoms of intolerance are as long as lactose into the body. When crushed or expelled, symptoms disappear.
Cat and Dairy: An Inevitable Attraction
Many of the cats I have lived with are attracted to dairy products, wanting to take a closer look and smell on my food, and some even help themselves to taste. Open the cheese or ice cream and my Manx Tripper cat was running over and insisting on checking it out, and sometimes he seemed to like it on his own.
After giving him a small snack in his cat food bowl several times, however, I learned that beyond sniffing and sniffing, Tripper’s interest quickly disappeared, and he would leave a “catch” behind. But I saw my parents’ cats and friends drinking milk from a bowl of cereal or yoghurt residue from a small container with no signs of intolerance. Cats love milk because they are attracted to protein and fat, so if something tastes good to them, it tastes good, Hill says.
Veterinarians should not use foods that cannot tolerate milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, and other lactose intolerance in the diet of large cats, and should be avoided if cats have an intestinal syndrome or a tumor in the gut, as lactose is harmful to cats. system. Because most cats are not lactose intolerant, and these foods can affect their diet due to fats and proteins, it is not the best option, says Witherell.
However, he adds that small amounts would probably be better if the substance contained a low level of Cats Lactose Intolerant and did not interfere with the protein and fat levels in the cat’s diet. The chemical reaction of lactose is the same in all milk, from man to cow to cow, but the components are different for each type, Witherell explains. For example, human milk contains 6 to 7 percent lactose, while cow’s milk, goat, sheep, and cat’s milk contain 4 to 5 percent.
Some dairy products, such as butter, some ice cream, and cheeses, actually have less lactose than liquid milk itself because fermentation and other processes break down lactose in some foods making it easier than others. Cottage cheese and cream cheese, for example, contain about 1 to 3 percent of lactose.
In the case of Hill, many cat owners who provide such small items do not harm their pets. If your cat enjoys these foods, I recommend giving them lactose-free milk, she says. There is milk sold to cats, and that gambling is better. And Witherell says that lactose intolerance does not come to the hospital very often.
Clever Handling For Your Cat
If you want to give your cat milk a treat, but you are not sure he can tolerate dairy products, experts recommend giving your cat a small amount of milk, such as a spoonful or two of milk, and checking for symptoms. If no symptoms appear until the day before, she may occasionally get better with her milk.
You can also try small amounts of cheese, yogurt, and other plant-based dairy products to further reduce the chances of intolerance. Because dairy, milk substitutes and similar products do not replace a balanced diet, and they add calories, proteins, and fats to your cat’s diet right now, remember to count them as part of your cat’s daily diet to prevent overeating and other health issues.
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